

4 Features Every Modern Eco Friendly House Must have

6 April 2023 Written by fahim

Sustainability has never been more in demand, and gone are the days when green living was about saving money. Everyone, including the wealthy, is looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints. Climate change and cataclysmic storms make it more important than ever to be environmentally conscious.

Our luxury homes can consume a lot of energy to heat and run, and from heated pools to hot tubs, our favorite features could contribute to global warming. Global climate change is becoming more evident, and we cannot ignore our impact. It starts at home with a few minor changes.

A green home doesn't have to compromise on luxury when money isn't an issue. Minor tweaks often enhance them in many ways. From installing a Smart Thermostat to control your heating and cooling system to embracing the cool night breezes, let's look at a few ways you can keep your luxury home eco-friendly.

eco-friendly house

How To Keep Your Luxury Home Eco Friendly

1. Invest in a Tankless Water Heater 2. Go Solar
3. Install a Smart Thermostat 4. Upgrade Your Windows

1. Invest in a Tankless Water Heater

As tankless water heaters do not require a storage tank, it uses less energy than a traditional water heater. Hot water is used only as it is needed. Due to their small physical footprint, they can provide convenient on-demand heating. Ideal for homes with hot tubs or heated pools. The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is to switch to a tankless water heater.

2. Go Solar

You don't have to look further than solar power if you're looking for a green, clean, renewable energy source. With the help of solar energy, you may reduce your home's carbon footprint effectively. As they are non-carbon emitting and use no other resources, they do not contribute to global warming. You can contribute to a sustainable future by installing solar panels in your home.

4 Features Every Modern Eco Friendly House Must have - 6 April 2023 - 7

3. Install a Smart Thermostat

You can save energy by keeping your home's temperature under control. A smart thermostat is a popular choice among luxury homeowners. Having it installed makes controlling your HVAC system easy and convenient. Many smart thermostat systems can be controlled using your smartphone and connected to the Internet. Using programmable thermostats, you can create a custom heating and cooling schedule that meets your family's needs and eliminates wasteful energy usage.

4. Upgrade Your Windows

​There is more to living a greener life than just becoming more energy efficient; it is also about using sustainable materials in your home. There are several ways to reduce your actions' overall impact on the environment, including choosing more environmentally friendly materials. 

As far as window frames go, wooden frames are far superior to those made of any other material on the market. Thanks to their efficient insulating properties and durability. Additionally, they emit fewer toxic compounds than their more famous counterparts in polyvinyl chloride, which have been shown to emit toxic compounds during installation. Double-paned glass can help you preserve your home's energy efficiency by keeping it as cool as it can be during hot weather. 

luxury villas can be made a little greener with a few simple changes. You can reduce your carbon footprint dramatically if money is no object. You can reduce your eco-impact and do your part for the environment by adding any or all of these features to your luxury home. 

Furthermore, explore some of the finest properties in Dubai.

About the Author


Jason Hayes is the founder of and is a leading authority on luxury real estate both globally and in Dubai. Taking the Management lead on the Private Client Office, he is internationally recognised for his expertise in high-end property markets.

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